Saturday, May 22, 2010

InKSiGH: For A Moment~

There is something that really distracted me recently. It is all about my presence in them. I'm not sure whether 'they' really perceived as a friend because 'they' usually did not treat me like one.
Sometimes, it is really hurt. I tried to smile but there is an only tear that comes out. Pretending to be happy is not as easy as it looks. Simply how, I'm just could not understand. Try to make jokes around just to make me happy but later on, only 'lonely' that accompanies me almost the time.
I really hoped that I don't have to rely too much on them but I can't. Maybe I just expected too much from them or maybe I just not fit them; who really want to make friend with 'kampong' boy and don't have enough wealth to spend with.
I really want to join them, laugh with them and feel the joy together, feel secured and chase away my loneliness. But, what I had received is nothing more than disappointment. What I meant that is not I need 24 hours of attention or something like that. Just one bond called friendship. Nothing more ~


DellDalilah said...

a friend does not need all that
true friend come within the heart
maybe it's just ur feeling or
u do not find one yet...
be happy..many people is around u

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